About Us
About Silica Earth
In the Spring of 2015 our farm performed better than all years prior due to one change- adding volcanic SILICA minerals to our soil beds.
That year we had NO MITES, NO ROOT-ROT, NO POWDERY MILDEW, NO BUD ROT AND NO BROKEN BRANCHES! We were stunned, and grateful to say the least. This one discovery was a game-changer for our farm and for many others since.
"The Missing Element"
Who knew that ONE element, when missing, could negatively impact plants on so many levels.
We knew we were onto something special. It turns out, these minerals were not only sacred to Native Americans of the region for their healing benefits but that this important element is a powerful foundation for growers success.
The team began distribution to regional growers in 2018 and continues to collect data on the many benefits for vigorous plants and healthy soils.
We now have the privilege to distribute these regenerative products to growers and commercial greenhouses worldwide.